Production process
Testing equipment
Smelting craftwork and equipments
The casting production of the company can only use EBT eccentric bottom electric arc furnace or HX electric arc furnace + LF refining furnace double refining process, or HX arc furnace argon blowing refining process for molten steel smelting. Among them, there are 4 EBT-20T eccentric bottom arc furnaces, 2 LF-30T refining furnaces, 4 EBT-15T eccentric bottom electric arc furnaces and 4 LF-15T refining furnaces.
After refining, the molten steel has high purity, few impurities, low gas content and low harmful element content, which all meet the standard of high quality steel. The strength and toughness of the castings are good to ensure the safety and life cycle of the castings.
Equipment display
EBT-20T eccentric bottom arc furnace
LF-30T refining furnace